June 08, 2005


About Us & This Site :: PathtoFreedom.com :::
We have attempted to grow as much of our own food as possible in the city {See: FACTS & STATS }. In our society growing food yourself has become the most radical of acts. It is truly the only effective protest, one that can--and will--overturn the corporate powers that be. By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential to change the world--we change ourselves.

We use a variety of agricultural methods, such as permaculture, bio-intensive farming, plus our own unique gardening system developed over time by trial and error.

Everything is grown as organically as possible, and no harmful chemicals or insecticides are used on our garden. We also try to follow agrarian principles outlined in the Bible and tithe ten percent of our increase.

This is what I want to do-- increase my self reliance and to the greatest extent possibloe, feed myself. i am getting a late start, and have found that my yard has too much shade for manay vegetables, so it will be an interesting journey. I shall see what I can do.

June 04, 2005

Poison Ivy - Honey Connection?

I've been looking to see if there are any organic ways to get rid of poison ivy. There is a huge, healthy crop of it sprouting from a vine on a neighbor's tree into my yard.

It appears to be seeking sunshine.

While we could most likely avoid touching it, I am afraid the cats will get it on their fur, and from them to us.

Then I saw this suggestion on how to minimize its effects:

Poison Ivy - Honey Connection?:

... So, once again, I had honey continuously on the table.

That was when the poison ivy reaction disappeared, and it has never returned. I think the effect is from the poison ivy pollen, just as an allergist injects a tiny amount of the allergen to help your body learn to deal with it correctly.

Why not try it? It's a pleasant experiment, safe unless you are diabetic, and not costly at all, compared to other medical treatments.

But be sure that your honey does have the pollen. Supermarket honey is ultrafiltered to remove all pollen, then it is also cooked to prevent it from crystallizing on the shelf.

You need to get what is called 'raw' honey

We have no beekeepers in the neighbohood that I know of, but I expect I can get raw (local!) honey at the local food coop.